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Security Perquisites for CEOs – Paying for Protection

January 14, 2015

CEO Security Perquisites in the Fortune 100

Personal and home security perquisites are absolutely on the list of benefits to influential individuals such as the CEOs of Fortune 100 companies. Less glamorous than corporate aircraft and less controversial than tax gross-ups, this is one expenditure that is often overlooked in the footnotes of the summary compensation table. Nevertheless, this perquisite is deemed necessary by approximately half of the Fortune 100 as was recently highlighted in an article by Fortune.

The prevalence of these security benefits within the Fortune 100 has decreased slightly in the past five years, with 44.7% of companies disclosing a perquisite value in 2013 versus 54.3% in 2009. Since 2012, the median value of personal and home security for Fortune 100 CEOs decreased by 51.2%, from $58,600 to $28,618. Though values are subject to large year-over-year changes, the overall trend has been a mild annualized decline of 6.4% from 2009 to 2013. During the most recent fiscal year, security perquisites ranged from $284 to $1,600,000 in value among the companies that disclosed an amount in their proxies.

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