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Equilar Institute



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Complimentary Trial of the Monte Carlo Simulator

  • Pro Forma Modeling
  • Metric Assessment
  • Process Autonomy

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Equity Valuation Center

Make smarter decisions with data-driven insights and tools to determine the value of market-based awards.

Let's Start a Conversation

What is the Monte Carlo Simulator?

Our state-of-the-art Monte Carlo Simulator, developed in collaboration with Equity Methods, serves as a cutting-edge solution to value TSR-based awards. Generate over 100,000 simulations of potential stock price outcomes through the duration of TSR awards to support CAP and PvP requirements.

Developed in partnership with

Pro Forma Modeling

Get rapid estimates of relative TSR-based award valuations on demand.

Plan Assessment

Run unlimited experiments to analyze the impacts of various incentive plan details.

Process Autonomy

Take control of the process to tell your story.

Option Grant Calculator

Quickly determine the present value of in-flight option grants using both Black-Scholes and Binomial Lattice models. Evaluate the impacts of FAS 123 or any custom assumptions.

Watch the Equity Valuation Center in Action

Discover how you can streamline your internal processes to determine the present value of market-based awards and in-flight option grants in this three-minute video.