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Relationship Mapping

Relationship intelligence solutions for dealmakers

Compensation Benchmarking

Executive compensation data solutions for HR teams


Equilar Institute



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Private Equity & Venture Capital

Intuitive relationship intelligence solutions unlock the power of your network to win the next deal

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Relationships Win Deals

Equilar ExecAtlas offers powerful data solutions to maximize network connections and win deals. Access an extensive database of executives and board members, PortCo connections and more to uncover key relationships and generate new opportunities.

Relationships Win Deals: Use Equilar ExecAtlas to maximize network connections and win deals with access to an extensive database of executives and board members
Relationships Win Deals: Use Equilar ExecAtlas to maximize network connections and win deals with access to an extensive database of executives and board members
Win deals through the strength of your network

General Partner

Win deals through the strength of your network.

Business Development

Business Development

Build pipeline with warm introductions and real-time business intelligence.

Talent & Human Capital

Talent & Human Capital

Recruit top-tier talent and achieve DE&I goals with the Equilar Diversity Network.



Identify high-priority LP connections to accelerate fundraising opportunities.

Expert Networks

Expert Networks

Source subject matter expertise from within your network.

Portfolio Operations

Portfolio Operations

Accelerate PortCo growth through executive introductions.

Data & System Administration

Empower your tech stack with automated syncs to enrich and unify your data silos.

Download Overview
Partner Spotlight: Capitalize on Relationship Intelligence by integrating Equilar Data in the DealCloud platform.

Partner Spotlight

Logo of Equilar Partner, Intapp

Capitalize on Relationship Intelligence

Integrating Equilar data into the DealCloud platform helps firms tap into market-leading executive and relationship data to identify meaningful connections and power relationship intelligence. Using DealCloud DataCortex, dealmakers can populate DealCloud records, reports, dashboards, and tear sheets with verified contact intelligence and company affiliations driven directly from the ExecAtlas database of executives and board members.


Access our top features and keep your database updated with daily syncs.

Logo of Equilar Partner, Intapp
Logo of Equilar Partner, Microsoft
Logo of Equilar Partner, Microsoft
Logo of Equilar Partner, Snowflake

Hear from Our Customers

Headshot of Courtney della Cava, Sr. Managing Director and Global Head of Portfolio Talent & Organizational Performance at Blackstone

From diligence to exit, partners like Equilar help us create the virtual scale to make sure we can do this from end to end. Your ability to aggregate candidates through the Equilar Diversity Network is incredibly valuable to help us open our aperture and go beyond our traditional pools of talent.

Courtney della Cava

Sr. Managing Director and Global Head of Portfolio Talent & Organizational Performance

Headshot of Ben Holzemer, Partner, Global Head of Human Capital at TPG

When you have a scale platform with big executive networks, it starts with the tools to get it right. Equilar is a great source for keeping track of everyone across our network while building diverse teams.

Ben Holzemer

Partner, Global Head of Human Capital