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Knowledge Center Reports

Highest-Paid CEO by State 2016

This interactive map shows the country's top paid CEO from each state.* Below is a table of the information.

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This table below shows the country's top paid CEO from each state.*

To request the data shown below in a sortable spreadsheet, please fill out the form below.

* CEO pay includes total compensation information disclosed in company proxy statements for fiscal year 2015, including salary, bonus, stock and options valued at grant date, any deferred compensation, and other compensation (including benefits and perks). To compare companies of similar sizes, the study was restricted to companies with at least $1 billion in revenue, and thus excluded Alaska, Montana and West Virginia for lack of data (Washington, D.C. was included, and since Oracle’s co-CEOs made essentially the same amount, thus there are 49 CEOs total on the list).

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