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Equilar Institute



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The Equilar iPad App

Award-winning board intelligence for corporate directors and executives. The Equilar app includes comprehensive research, industry reports and real-time updates on the latest governance trends.

Real-Time Newsfeed Alerts

Stay abreast of recent executive hires, transitions and compensation trends, and view details by clicking through to the SEC filing disclosing the news

Thought Leadership

Access award-winning publications on topics related to corporate governance, shareholder engagement and SEC disclosure.

World Class Research

Prepare for board meetings with in-depth analysis on executive compensation, board composition and investor voting trends.

Executive & Board Database

Download PDF profiles of board-ready candidates based on your custom specifications. Profiles are based on over 20 years of corporate affiliations and boards, and include connection paths to your board, experience, biographies and more.

See the iPad App in Action

Award-winning board intelligence for corporate directors and executives. The Equilar app includes comprehensive research, industry reports and real-time updates on the latest trends.