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Domino’s Proxy Statement – That’s a Big Pizza Pie

March 30, 2015

Every year, as thousands of proxy statements are processed and analyzed, there are many interesting nuggets of information. While not always the most critical data points, their uniqueness can be appreciated. This blog post will focus on one of these finds.

Domino’s Pizza (DPZ) has seen a rise in its stock price dating back to 2009. On January 2, 2009, Domino’s was trading at $5.02. As of the close of business on Friday, March 20, 2015, Domino’s was trading at $104.63—a 1,984% increase. Domino’s has also started paying out a dividend. The most recent quarterly distribution was set at $0.25.

Proxy Reveals Unique Perks

A large part of Domino’s growth has come from an increasingly diverse menu and focus on quality. In their most recent proxy disclosure, Domino’s included the amount reimbursed for expenses related to the personal purchase of food items by its executive team. The table above displays the amount each executive received for pizza reimbursement.

Using a company’s products is an important way for executives to know the typical consumer experience. Domino’s executives are well aware of the products their company produces and the disclosure of the perquisite was certainly noteworthy.

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